The Application On this Page is for interested person who would like to protray the life of a Civil War Engineer. Please Do not just print out this Application and send in the dues. We would rather you contact one of the officers of the M.S.G. Engineers.

Captain Samuel Kuder

573-295-4339 or 573-642-0771
Major Sam L. Kuder
LT. Robert Gaebe

After contacting us to gather any information you may need. The Application you will need we be listed Below


I ______________________________ Desirous of protraying life of the Cival War Period. Apply for membership in Dickersons Missouri State Guard Engineers, Missouri Cival War Reenactors Assocation Inc. I certify that I am of legal age and suffer no undisclosed physical, legal or mental disabilities which would prohibit me from bearing firearms or would complywith the law, safty rules and behaviorial rules of Dickersons Missouri State Guard Engineers/C.S.A. and the Missouri Cival War Reenactors Assocation, Inc., and to comply with the instructions and directions of those elected or appointed to postions in control of our and other units, events, etc., as long as such instructions or directions are legal and safe and non-demeaming. I understand I must go through a probationary period and demonstrate an understanding of the life skills and liveing conditions of the average family before being accepted as a "VETERAN"

Zip Code:_____________

Membership: $35 Family $27 Single

Names/Relationship/Ages of family members included in application
Name____________________ Relationship_____________________ Age______
Name____________________ Relationship_____________________ Age______
Name____________________ Relationship_____________________ Age______
Name____________________ Relationship_____________________ Age______
Name____________________ Relationship_____________________ Age______
List any important allergies/medical problems or legal disabilities:

Are you willing to Galvanise ? Yes

Are you willing to help with cooking ? Yes


Dickersons Missouri State Guard Engineers

Major Sammy Lee Kuder

Captain Samuel Lee Kuder

Please Print, Sign & Mail to
Captain Samuel Kuder
9325 Seven Springs Loop
New Bloomfield
Missouri 65063